Practically Prepared Perinatal Program

Postpartum Support

The perinatal period (pregnancy and postpartum) is an extremely vulnerable time. Many people feel completely blindsided by the rollercoaster of physical and emotional changes that occur during pregnancy, and especially postpartum. Western culture pushes unrealistic expectations of being able to “bounce back after baby” and make it seem like life goes back to the way it was pre-baby, but with a baby in-tow.

This, unfortunately, is not reality.

The combination of unrealistic expectations and lack of preparation leave birthing people (as well as their partners) exhausted, struggling, and feeling overwhelmed. This increases the risk for experiencing perinatal mood and anxiety disorders. Perinatal mood and anxiety disorders (PMADs) include anxiety, depression, obsessive compulsive disorder, bipolar disorder, PTSD, and psychosis. PMADs do not only affect the person experiencing them, they also can affect the baby, partner, and siblings. 

Most people severely underestimate the demands of postpartum and new parenthood, thus have no idea how they should prepare during pregnancy for postpartum.



We want to help YOU prepare for postpartum and not needlessly suffer like we, and so many others, have.

Practically Prepared Perinatal Program was designed to help pregnant people optimally prepare for their postpartum experience. Our goal is to help set you up for success and decrease the unnecessary stress that many people experience when they are postpartum, due to not adequately preparing beforehand.

We want to help you to prepare for postpartum like you are preparing for your labor and birth. There are a plethora of resources encouraging pregnant people to prepare for their labor and birth. While it is important to prepare for your birth, it is equally (and arguably, more) important to plan for your postpartum experience as well. Your postpartum experience is MUCH longer than your labor and birth, we stand by the motto “POSTPARTUM IS FOREVER”.  

Practically Prepared Perinatal Program Packages

These programs are “coaching” based, so anyone in any location, worldwide, is able to be a client. There are several packages to choose from.

Practically Prepared Perinatal Program Goals:

-Provide extensive education about the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of the postpartum period (well beyond the first few weeks…we go through the first year)

-Provide individual support via text, email, and/or coaching sessions from an experienced Nurse Midwife, Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner and Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner

-Set short and long-term achievable goals for the postpartum period

-Design a realistic and comprehensive plan for your postpartum experience

-Empower you to enter the postpartum period armed with knowledge and confidence

All programs include our 70+ page program guide and our “Call the Mental Health Midwife” service (at no additional charge), which provides unlimited text/email support for any and all questions related to pregnancy/postpartum and perinatal mental health. 

Read more about Call the Mental Health Midwife service here.

Who is this program for?

  • Anyone who does not have a postpartum plan in place.

  • Anyone who wants to enter postpartum with the tools needed to make everything feel less overwhelming. 

  • Anyone who is nervous about potentially experiencing a perinatal mood and anxiety disorder and would like to be armed with knowledge and tools to help lower the chance of experiencing a perinatal mood disorder. 

  • Anyone who leaves their routine prenatal care visit with their provider (OB/MIDWIFE/NP/PA) feeling like they were rushed and/or unheard and left with unanswered questions. 

  • Anyone who is pregnant or postpartum and experiencing symptoms of anxiety/depression and would like guidance on developing practical solutions to help navigate postpartum. 

Who is this program NOT for?

  • Anyone seeking routine prenatal care. Practically Prepared Perinatal DOES NOT replace your routine visits to your pregnancy and/or mental health provider. These programs are in addition to your regular prenatal and/or mental health visits with your provider(s). 

  • Anyone who does not want to enter postpartum armed with knowledge and tools to make everything feel less overwhelming.

  • Anyone seeking medical advice (such as a diagnosis or a prescription). As of now, only DELAWARE residents are able to be provided with such services from Sunrise Mental Health and Midwifery (though in the future we anticipate being able to offer this service to other states). Practically Prepared Perinatal Program is coaching-based, and designed so anyone in any state/country can partake.  If at any point you need a mental health diagnosis and/or psych medication, and you do not live in Delaware, you will need to see a provider in your state/country for those specific services. If this should occur, you can still continue to do the program in conjunction with another mental health provider.